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Did you know National Homemade Bread Day is today? This day is all about celebrating tasty breads and encouraging baking your own bread at home! Throughout the pandemic, many of us baked (tons of) banana bread, or even experimented with baking more advanced breads like sourdough. However, many others still may feel a bit intimidated baking bread from scratch—and that’s okay! Luckily, there are so many easy recipes and pre-made dough from the frozen and dairy aisles to help you create your own absolutely amazing bread creations.

Here are a few fun facts about bread to kick off Homemade Bread Day[1]:

  • Sliced bread did not come widely available until 1928.
  • Before erasers were used to remove pencil marks, soft bread crumbs were used!
  • Ancient Egyptians used moldy bread to treat infected burn wounds.
  • The earliest bread seems to have originated from around 8000 BC in the Middle East, when grain was crushed and produced into the bread product we now call tortillas or chapatis (India)[2].

Homemade Bread Recipes


Monkey Bread Recipes


Other Sweet Breads


Bread & Roll Shortcuts

What recipes will you make on National Homemade Bread Day? Share with us on social @EasyHomeMeals!
